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5 Tips for Reducing Pain While Skiing

Skiing can be one of the most exhilarating ways to enjoy the cold winter months. The feeling of surging down the slopes can give you an adrenaline rush like no other. But, the ensuing bodily pain afterwards can be brutal for days on end. Unfortunately, back pain is one of the most common outcomes associated after a fun-filled day of skiing. 

We know that you would rather be enjoying the icy slopes than having to ice your sore muscles. To help you fully prepare your next skiing adventure, take heed to these six tips to reduce pain while skiing:

Correctly Position Your Knees

Many skiers tend to bend both of their knees inwards while skiing rather than keeping them balanced above their feet. Improper knee alignment can cause chronic knee pain. You may be doing this regularly and be unaware of your unhealthy habits. To best address this issue, practice your skiing stance in the mirror, paying close attention to your knees. Properly align your knees with your second and third toe, and practice straightening and bending you knees repeatedly.

Strengthen Your Quads

A great amount of pressure is applied to your quadriceps when skiing. Weak quads can lead to weary muscles and the inability to ski for extended periods of time. Strong quads, on the other hand, allow you to properly align your knees for the best possible skiing form. The experts at Pain Specialty Group recommend that you try cycling in the warmer off-season months to maintain and increase quad strength.

Strengthen Your Core

Your core is your entire body. In order to perform certain twists and contortions, your core must be strong enough to keep you balanced during the process. Alleviating back pain can be eliminated by improving the strength of your core muscles, as well. We suggest that you regularly exercise your core to diminish the chance of injury and for the best possible skiing experience and to

Stay Hydrated

To operate, your body needs to stay hydrated. Sports and activities like skiing require a great amount of energy to perform the necessary movements. Dehydration can lead to unnecessary injuries and muscle cramps. Hydrated muscles are effective and can help enhance form and improve endurance.

Stay Fit Year-round

Staying fit year-round is crucial when enjoying sports like skiing. Like any other sport, the training that you do during the off-season will certainly pay off. Even if you are a casual skier, it is highly recommended to keep your body physically active to be able to withstand the immense pressure applied while skiing.

Whether it be back, joint, or knee pain that affects your everyday life, it needs to be addressed by a professional. Board-certified pain experts at Pain Specialty Group can help ease your chronic pain. Do not suffer in silence. Contact us today to set an appointment with an experienced New Hampshire pain expert.

Aidan Fisher, Maureen Cassidy Pain Specialty Group

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