Can Relaxation Relieve Pain?

Approximately 100 million Americans suffer from chronic pain on the daily. Chronic pain is difficult for physicians to diagnose, as this condition is used to describe persistent pain that lasts longer than six months. Pain signals remain active in the nervous system for extended periods of time, from just a couple months to even years. After suffering for that long, it’s no wonder chronic pain sufferers look for all kinds of methods to relieve their pain.
Chronic pain research has demonstrated that pain is influenced by both emotional and social factors, which has been widely studied over the past 25 years. For example, when you are chronically stressed, the stress itself can actually trigger chronic pain. However, there are many techniques to help reduce chronic pain, and are as simple as practicing relaxation techniques alongside your pain management regimen.
The following exercises can help you reduce stress and relax both your body and mind:
- Foursquare breathing technique: Foursquare breathing is a special type of deep breathing activity that keeps you focused on the way in which you breathe. It involves expanding and contracting the abdomen, much like the idea of inflating a balloon with each breath. like you are inflating a balloon with each breath. Inhale deeply for four seconds, hold your breath for four seconds, and finally exhale for four seconds. Inhale deeply while counting to four, then hold your breath while counting to four. Repeat for a total of ten cycles.
- Self-talk: A well-known concept in psychological cognitive behavioral therapy, self-talk, is that inner mental speech you give yourself throughout the day. Whether it is positive or negative, it greatly impacts how you feel emotionally and even physically. To manage your chronic pain, change the way you think about your pain. You will soon feel rejuvenated and feel like you can take on challenges once more.
- Guided imagery: Another common breathing technique, this one involves slow and deep breathing while using the power of your imagination to picture serenity. Imagine a place where you feel comfortable, safe and relaxed. Whether it be a nice relaxing beach, or a calm rainforest, use your five senses to reflect on the colors, sounds, smells, and your feelings. Spend 5-10 minutes a day practicing this technique.
- Mindfulness meditation: While sitting or lying down quietly, focus on your breathing without trying to think of your pain. If you start to feel your pain creep up on you, simply acknowledge it. But, think of your pain as a gust of wind that will soon pass. Do this for at least 20 minutes a day.
Here at Pain Specialty Group we hope this post brings you a bit of relief from your chronic pain symptoms. For in-depth relief, check out the various services our providers can offer you here.
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