How Do High Heels Affect Long-Term Spine Health?

Although stylish, high heels are infamous for their discomfort and negative effects they can have on spinal health. When women wear high heels, they do so to look fashionable, without really considering the harsh health effects they can have. In fact, some studies have even shown that wearing high heels for long periods of time can be detrimental to spine health, can cause hip[ and knee joint pain, as well as other side effects.
Out of Balance
Scientists have found that high heels can alter your spine’s natural alignment, resulting in a harsh domino effect. The unbalance can cause back pain, and as a result, your body will even try to compensate for this unbalance caused by the heels by creating the calf, back and hip muscles to become extremely tense. This tenseness will then cause fatigue and strain on your muscles. It’s important to understand that wearing high heels can be extremely damaging to your body, as heels can lead to alignment issues that can damage your back ligaments, joints, and vertebral discs.
One very important long-term effect of wearing high heels is that your body's natural anatomy can change. Wearing high heels can cause tendons to thicken and calf muscles to shorten. One study in particular found that wearing heels for long periods of time may cause the spine to become hyperlordotic, or a spine that has too much curvature in the lumbar or cervical regions of the spinal column. This condition can be incredibly painful due to the strain placed on the lumbar region of the spine and the lower extremities.In addition, spondylolisthesis may develop from wearing high heels frequently, which occurs when one bone in your back slides forward over the bone below it.
Staying Healthy
Being mindful about the duration in which you wear high heels is important, because it’s possible to wear high heels without them affecting your spine. You can also perform quick and easy activities to reduce the potential long-term risks, including stretching before and after wearing heels, wearing heels for short periods of time, not wearing heels greater than two inches, and having leather insoles inside the heels to prevent slips or falls.
If you believe you’re experiencing back pain and other issues related to excessive high heel wearing, it may be time to talk to one of our expert providers at Pain Specialty Group. The relief that you deserve is waiting for you, contact us here to schedule an appointment today.
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