Pain Management While Traveling

Going on vacation can cause an array of mixed feelings when dealing with arthritis, fibromyalgia, or other forms of chronic pain. You may be happy to get away for a little bit, but the thought of being in pain on vacation may be discouraging. Rest assured, however, with preparation and practicality, you can have a pain-free vacation.
Get Prescriptions/Supplements Beforehand
If you are on any medication to deal with your chronic pain, the thought of running out of medication can be stressful. If you’re going away on a trip, you won’t be able to refill your prescriptions at your local pharmacy. So, it’s important to have an adequate quantity for the entirety of your vacation. This goes for supplements as well, having a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals to last your whole trip is important.
Prepare for the Ride
For people that suffer from neck or back pain, traveling in an airplane can be tedious and uncomfortable. When traveling, these precautions are beneficial to keep in mind:
- Try to choose a flight that will not have many people on it, giving you room to stretch out.
- Avoid taking an early morning flight that requires you to wake up earlier than usual.
- Ask the airline staff if there are any accommodations for those with chronic pain.
- Stretch before your flight.
Traveling requires a lot of sitting in the same position. If you suffer from chronic pain, the importance of stretching to promote blood flow throughout your body can’t be stressed enough. If your trip requires long periods of driving, be sure to take breaks to stretch. If you’re on the plane, take some time to talk to the bathroom. Remember, pain relief stretches can be performed sitting down as well.
Get Plenty of Rest
Typically on vacation, people tend to take advantage of their days, and that means waking up early to spend time on various activities. While this seems like a good idea, a lack of sleep can make any experience miserable, especially those that suffer from chronic pain. It’s recommended that you get at least eight hours of sleep each night, and don’t be afraid to take a few naps here and there, either!
Walking around constantly on vacation can lead to sore and swollen feet. Most of the time, walking is an inevitable aspect of a vacation, while walking on the beach or even a big city. To avoid unnecessary discomfort, make sure you’re wearing comfortable footwear while you’re traveling. Also, don’t forget to give your feet a break and rest every once in a while.
If you suffer from chronic pain, or are in need or pain relief, visit your local New Hampshire pain specialists at Pain Specialty Group. Pain Specialty Group specializes in all types of pain, and works to reduce your pain so you can live a happier, healthier life. Contact us here.
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