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Pain & Overeating

Let's be honest, who hasn't reached for that second (or third) slice of pizza in an effort to distract yourself from your aches and pains. We've all been there. But here's the thing: overeating isn't a cure for pain. In fact, it can actually make things worse! Overeating can lead to weight gain, which in turn puts increased pressure on your joints and increases inflammation. Plus, certain foods like sugar and processed snacks can exacerbate pain and inflammation in the body. So, what can you do instead? Here are some effective tips:

So, there you have it, folks. Overeating might seem like a good idea in the moment, but in the long run, it's not worth it. Instead, try these simple yet effective tips to distract yourself from your pain. And as always, if your pain persists or gets worse, be sure to reach out to our expert team at Pain Specialty Group to see how we can help here.

Aidan Fisher, Maureen Cassidy Pain Specialty Group

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