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Signs and Symptoms of Chronic Pain

With the impact that chronic pain can have on your daily life, many enjoyable moments can be ruined. There are about 25.3 million Americans suffering from chronic pain, however diagnosing your chronic pain can be a difficult task. Even though chronic pain must be diagnosed by an experienced doctor, if you believe you are experiencing chronic pain, these are some things to look out for. 

Causes of the Pain
There is almost always a root cause to chronic pain, whether it be some early trauma, or a major injury from a car accident. Even with treatment for those experiences, things can often go undiagnosed or long term symptoms can present. The explanation given most often is that the nervous system is still sending pain signals long after they should have stopped, this can last for months or even years. Chronic pain can also present without any initial cause. An example of this is for older adults that have pain from natural side effects that come with advancing age. 

Mental Stresses

Since chronic pain is persistent and difficult to fully treat, it can lead to mental stressors leading to anxiety, depression, and anger. These extra symptoms can exhaust your nervous system and reduce the amount of naturally occurring painkillers your body produces. This only gets worse over time which then leads to worsening chronic pain. When figuring out if the pain you are experiencing is chronic, take a look at your mental state as well and how it might be affecting your physical health. 

Lingering Pain

A major sign of chronic pain is if it sticks around longer than you would expect it to. Since chronic pain can be caused by an unbalanced nervous system you may end up feeling the pain for years. While there are holistic options available for treating the pain, like yoga or messages, that is not a solution to the pain. The psychological aspect of chronic pain means a solution that involves an expert's hand to ease the pain.

At Pain Specialty Group, we have a team of doctors dedicated to finding a solution for their patients suffering from chronic pain. We make use of all the latest diagnostic tools to determine the cause of your pain, and work with you to take the best path to recovery. If you find yourself struggling with chronic back pain, book an appointment with us today.

Aidan Fisher, Maureen Cassidy Pain Specialty Group

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