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Signs of a Concussion After a Car Accident

The Center for Disease states that about 2 million Americans experience concussions every year. A concussion is a mildly traumatic brain injury. These are commonly “closed head” injuries, therefore there isn’t a penetration to the skull and the injury was caused by a forceful impact to the head. 14.3% of the affected 2 million concussions, so 286,000 of them, are caused by car accidents. It’s important to be able to acknowledge the signs and symptoms of a concussion, especially after a car accident. Oftentimes because of the adrenaline you are experiencing from the accident, the symptoms can take hours or days to present. 

How does a concussion occur?

When you experience a blow to the head, such as during a car accident, sports injury, or fall, you run the risk of getting a concussion. With 14.3% percent being from car accidents, 40% are caused by falls. With a hard impact the the head, the brain bounces around inside the skull and develops bruises and tears. 

How dangerous is a concussion?

A concussion has three levels of severity that one might experience after a blow to the head. The following types of concussions include:

It is important that with any of these symptoms to visit the ER after experiencing an head injury that caused loss of consciousness, vomiting, seizures, or loss of motor function. Upon experiencing a traumatic brain injury, whether it be from a sporting or car accident, you run the risk of developing a fatal condition called Second Impact Syndrome. This is a condition that occurs when you re-injure your brain before allowing it to fully heal from the first injury. Since concussion symptoms can take days to develop some people might not know they have the initial first concussion.

What are the most common concussion symptoms?

Headaches are one of the most common symptoms following a concussion. One might also have difficulty with sleep, whether it be difficulty with falling asleep, or sleeping too much or too little. This can also lead to exhaustion or fatigue along with memory problems. Someone who has suffered a TBI may have difficulty concentrating, may feel confused, or have difficulty remembering new information. Specific physical symptoms are:

The renowned pain physicians at Pain Specialty Group rely on a variety of important tests to determine if you indeed are suffering from a concussion after a car accident or any injury. They specialize in relieving all kinds of pain symptoms and can help you too! Book an appointment today at a clinic near you.

Aidan Fisher, Maureen Cassidy Pain Specialty Group

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