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Top Features to Look for in a Chair to Improve Posture

The connection between pain and poor posture becomes more evident as more studies are done regarding chronic pain. The environment in which you work can worsen back pain, especially those with office jobs. It's proven that sitting for extended periods of time causes forward hunching and slouching, which over a five day work week, can be extremely harmful for your back. 

There has been an increase in manufacturing of office chairs newly designed with the idea to aid in better posture. If this is something that you believe would be helpful, here are two things to think about when looking to purchase a chair:

Adjustability - specifically looking at height and position of the back. Since everyone sits at different heights, it is crucial to find a chair that best suits yours. It's important to avoid overcompensating for improper chair height. As for the positioning of the back, finding a chair that allows you to sit upright but also reclines, is sure to improve both your posture and back pain.

Seat comfortability - there is a common belief that with softer, more comfortable seats, contributes to poor posture. While this might be the case some of the time, having a hard, ridged surface to sit upon for eight or more hours a day will not help, either. A cushioned seat, however, won't cause your buttocks and leg bones to become uncomfortable resulting in better posture and less back pain.

The desired goal of an office chair is to allow you to sit for long periods of time without any pain. If you find yourself with a good office chair but continue to have back pain, contact us at Pain Specialty Group here. We aim to provide you with the best quality healthcare to ease your pain.

Aidan Fisher, Maureen Cassidy Pain Specialty Group

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