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What is Osteopathic Manipulation?

Basic methods of treatment can sometimes be overlooked with new technological and medical advances. For many patients, being placed on another medication is undesired as they would rather feel the “healing touch of a doctor.” If you can relate, an alternative treatment known as Osteopathic Manipulation may be in your best interest.

What is Osteopathic Manipulation?

Osteopathic Manipulation Treatment, or OMT for short, is a treatment used to target popular conditions like migraines, sinus disorders, menstrual pain, carpal tunnel syndrome and asthma. OMT also can be used for individuals that face frequent muscle pain. In most cases, muscle and nerve restriction/tightness can lead to more severe issues or be the cause of current pain. Osteopathic Manipulation is performed by a doctor of osteopathic medicine (DO), and involves improving your range of motion by using their hands to gently adjust the position of your tissues and joints. OMT can be used as an alternative to medications and surgery, and can even be used on the side, as well.

How Does it Feel?

The sound of your joints and tissues being adjusted may sound unsettling. However, DO’s are trained to perform over 40 techniques of OMT that involve applying light pressure, stretching, and resistance. A few of these techniques are described below:

Osteopathic Manipulation is an effective technique that can provide notable results when performed successfully. The providers at Pain Specialty Group can use OMT to improve your range of motion and decrease your overall pain. Contact us and allow our pain experts to help you.

Aidan Fisher, Maureen Cassidy Pain Specialty Group

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