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What You Should Know About Sciatica Pain

Contrary to popular belief, the term “sciatica” refers to a symptom rather than a diagnosis. Sciatica describes the numerous types of lower leg pain including chronic leg pain, leg tingling and weakness, and more. Typically, sciatica pain originates in the bottom portion of your lower back and radiates towards the hips and into the sciatic nerve, which is located along the back of your leg. 

Most Common Symptoms

The most common sciatic symptoms include:

Chronic sciatica pain may vary in intensity ranging from mild to severe, depending on the underlying cause. In some cases, sciatica pain can be so intense that it can prevent individuals from performing their normal day-to-day activities. Luckily, permanent damage to the actual sciatica nerve is extremely rare. 

Causes of Chronic Sciatica Pain

The most typical cause of sciatica is back pain. But, other causes like pregnancy, severe muscle strain, a spinal tumor, or even infection, can lead to sciatica pain. The providers at Pain Specialty Group have outlined the most common causes of sciatica pain:

The expert providers at Pain Specialty Group can treat your sciatica pain and develop a specialized plan of care for you. Book an appointment here.

Aidan Fisher, Maureen Cassidy Pain Specialty Group

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